Aleksander Kobzdej, “On the death of a man (triptych)”, 1964
Interdepartmental Division “NOVUM” for Care and Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art
Head of the studio
Prof. dr hab. Iwona Szmelter, mgr Anna Kowalik
oil on canvas
3 paintings with dimensions 165 x 138 cm
Conservation and restoration works as part of the studio’s curriculum. The primary purpose of conservation-restoration of the triptych is
to inhibit the destruction processes and an attempt to eliminate
destructive factors. The main goal of the work is
to restore the work’s its full exhibition value. Students: Jana Kuczyńska, Dorota Majcherowicz, Katarzyna Korczak, Bogna Skwara, Szigetvary Fanni, Maite Errarte, Fatih Dulger